
The frontman of the band, Aleš Pilgr, whom you might know from the bands Květy and Ty syčáci is also a drummer, guitarist and harmonica player. He combined and used these skills while accompanying his own author songs. First examples from their repertoire could be heard already in 2005 but it was still within the solo career of Aleš Pilgr. After recording the solo record “Nos na stůl“ in 2009 Jana Koukalová joined him; her gentle voice is able to create a perfect counterpart to Aleš’s expressiveness.  Right after that there came their first joint album with a poetic title “Papučka”.
After their first joint musical child called “Papučka“ their life paths also interconnected and currently we can talk about the married duo. In their lyrics we can find both original humor and impressive lyric poetry and everything is wrapped in a playful package with an original ribbon. Genre-wise, their music could be placed somewhere in between folk and electronic music. In their live production, they are not afraid to use unconventional instruments, such as various children’s toys or a kitchen timer.  
This music, although primarily intended for all lovers of pioneering musical ways, can be enjoyed also by an ordinary fan who simply likes nice music.

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