Lucie Redlová

Folk singer/songwriter from Valašské Meziříčí.

Started on mandolin in world-music band Docuku in 2001, released two CDs with them (Meziřečí – 2004, Domrtě! – 2009).

Later started to make her own songs using mainly lyrics of her friend Radka Rubilina.

Lucie released her debut album „První, poslední (=„First, last“) in 2009 – the album was produced by Irish musician Steve Wall (The Stunning, The Walls). Later bought an electric guitar and turned to more rock sound with a band called Garde. In 2012 the band recorded at Ondřej Ježek´s Jámor studio second album called „Křižovatka“ (Crossroad) – this album was also produced by foreign musician, great American singer Tim Eriksen.

Since 2013 she time to time shares the stage with other two women, great singers and musicians Beata Bocek and Jitka Šuranská in a project called „MDŽ – Muzikantky, dámy, ženy“ (=Musicians, ladies, women).

Besides she plays mostly solo, only with a guitar and mandolin and her loop-station.

She always liked to cooperate and share the stage with her musical friends – for instance : Rauš, Žamboši (To se to hraje – 2006), Zhasni, Květy (V čajové konvici – 2011), Traband (Neslýchané – 2011), Hm… , David Stypka & BandjeezGlen Hansard

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