Cimbálová muzika Jury Petrů

The band was founded in 1947 at the Slovácký krúžek group in Kyjov-Nětčice. It was founded by the oldest of the triumvirate of famous bandmasters born in the year 1922 – Jura(j) Petrů (1922–1984), a native Slovakian-Záhorák, who used to play in Slovácký krúžek in Bzenec, Uherské Hradiště and in Brno; he was tutored by the bandmaster from Vrbka, Jožena Kubík. Besides the violin, he could also play the dulcimer and bass and thanks to his recordings he saved many valuable local songs. He also plausibly restored the music for the dance skočná of Kyjov. The band stabilized their ensemble in 1952 and gradually expanded their repertoire; in the 60s and the 70s, the band used to play in Kyjov Town Hall Wine Bar and slowly initiated many other dulcimer bands in the surrounding villages – in Ježov, Svatobořice, Hovorany, etc. Since 1971 both Jura’s sons joined the band – the dulcimer player and bassist Jiří Petrů (*1953) and the violinist, today’s bandmaster Petr Petrů (*1955); after his father’s death, Jiří took over the leadership of the band and a male choir and also collecting folk songs, Petr is a bandmaster and music teacher – he is the head of the Art School in Kyjov. The third generation of the Petrů family is also represented in the band: Petr’s son Jiří Petrů Jr. is training to be the second violinist. The singers in the band were, among others, Karel Bimka from Svatobořice, Amálie Kristová from Milotice, Marie and Eva Osičková, but also Ženy z Ježova Ensemble, Tetky z Kyjova and (mostly) the Male Ensemble from Kyjov. The large discography contains the LP CM Jury Petrů z Kyjova (Supraphon, 1980), CD Legrúti jedú (SPSSK Kyjov, 1994), a joint record with the Male Enseble from Kyjov Dej nám Bože zdravíčka (Tonstudio, 2005) and the retrospective double CD 60 let s muzikou Jury Petrů (Tonstudio, 2007).

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