Ocean Versus Daughter

OVD are an international group of Brits, Americans, and Czechs came together in the city of Prague in 2009. Their instrumentation include keyboard, cello, synthesizer, violin, drums and occassionally glockenspiel, banjo and bass.  Since then they have played numerous shows and festivals throughout the Czech Republic, have been featured on Czech TV have toured Germany several times, as well a playing shows in the US and Australia and Norway. They are currently working on a music video and planning tours in the US, UK, Germany and France. 



Keyboard/ Lyrics/ Vocals
Flanna’s piano playing is self-taught.  After determining that teaching her to read notes was utterly hopeless, her piano teacher set about teaching her candle making instead.  When her mother found this out, the piano lessons came to a halt. But the family kept the piano and Flanna was free to begin writing as she pleased.

Matt and Jarmila are classically trained.  Matt, on cello, studied in Birmingham and Jarmila studied violin in Prague.  They collaborate to form audible textures that set the band apart from its peers. 

George is a photographer and visual artist at heart.  He spends his days as head of Prague College School of Art and Design, but in the evenings his visual talents are transcribed into a world where he creates audio landscapes on the synthesizer and bass.

Nick is a multi-instrumentalist with a passion for banjos and percussion.  A San Francisco native who has lived in several European countries, Nick brings understated, sui generis beats to the music. 


© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno