
After a four-year break spent in Prague the artist Rudolf Brančovský returns back to his hometown of Brno in 2006. Before, there have been six years of playing with former Brno, now Prague band called Veselá Zubatá. He brings with him a dream of new flexible formation that would entertain people and himself as well. Everywhere he keeps looking for suitable talented teammates, writes new songs and replaces bass guitar for tenor banjo.
At the evangelic church service in Brno Husovice he witnesses a very innovative approach to sacred music. The twenty years old pianist bursts syncope everywhere he can and jazzes up classic choir songs. His sixteen years old brother Jáchym Hájek accompanies him with trumpet and jazz solos by an young talented fifteen years old violinist Vojtěch Konečný are floating above that all. It was something he had never seen or heard before.
And because these well coordinated boys are also passionate followers of Veselá Zubatá, it doesn’t take much to convince them. After a phone call about the upcoming new band Rudolf’s friend, a funky bass player Honza Beran comes from Olomouc. He is very interested in playing with future Poletíme? and he accepts the offer. In the very same year 2006 another Rudolf’s friend Petr Cígl completes the band with the percussion. They agree on the name Poletíme? for themselves and play at their firsts concerts.

Petr Cígl is a talented but the band is pushing in another direction. In 2007 he leaves the band and they look again. In March 2008 their future drummer Daniel Černý comes for a try-out; he was recommended by bassist Pavel Všianský from Hoochie coochie band. His easy and sharp style influenced by blues fits perfectly with Poletíme?. The players in the band inspire each other and that’s how the real sound of Poletíme? comes out. The repertoire is rehearsed early and the same year they set off to Brno studio G to record the album “Jednoduché písničky o složitém životě/Simple Songs about Complex Life“. The band feels good, they enjoy performing. They are happy together and they play wherever they can. From time to time, passers-by can even see them playing in the centre of Brno.

In the spring 2010 the band is returning to the G studio in Brno to record songs on the album called Skupina dobře vypadajících mužů. In April 2011, three days after releasing the “famous” video Václav Klaus and a pen, the band decides to record a song and a video parodying this event. In just few days, 120 thousand people saw this video on www.youtube.com.  The band suddenly had an unprecedented media attention and they also appeared in tabloids.

In last couple of years we could see the band at different festivals, such as United Islands, Colours of Ostrava, Trutnov, Rock For People, Benátská noc, Eurotrialog, Zahrada and many other locations all over the Czech Republic. In 2012 they release their third studio album called Kroskántry.

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