Martin Hrbáč

Bandmaster, a great violinist and an excellent singer, but also an outstanding bassist; if he is generally regarded as the direct successor of distinctive Horňácko region bandmaster Jožka Kubík, it is an appreciation and statement of the fact. Martin is part of today very rare (one would say dying) sort of self-taught folk musicians who instead of professional training in music schools learned directly from folk musicians – by listening, patient imitation, watching the so-called “grifs”– original bow shears, melodic ornaments, modular procedures. In this way, Martin Hrbáč, first with Kubík by side, later leading his own band, developed in a unique, unmistakable personality beside which and along which grows yet another generation of musicians. That’s also the reason why he became a legitimate successor of Kubík’s musician nickname – “Majstr”. His playing and his voice are captured in numerous radio recordings and music records; the most important ones are Horňácký hudec Martin Hrbáč (Gnosis 1995), Pěkné zkázáníčko (VN, 1999) and Horňácká cimbálová muzika Martina Hrbáče (PP, 2008). On the occasion of his seventieth birthday, a book collection of contributions and memories of his musician friends was published, called Zahrejte ně, Majstre (Albert, 2009), which includes a CD of archival recordings of Horňácko Dulcimer Band of Martin Hrbáč. The successor of family tradition is his son Martin who plays the violin and bass and occasionally gives guest performances in the band of his father.
-Helena Bretfeldová-

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