Vladimír Václavek

Vladimír Václavek´s profil

Vladimír Václavek (*1959) is one of the most significant personalities of Czech music. In 1980´s he met several musicians with whom he has been cooperating on various projects since then. His career as a musician is connected with the names of Iva Bittová, Pavel Fajt and Josef Ostřanský who he joined in the band DUNAJ. He played the bass guitar at that time but he changed it for a guitar. From the mid 1990´s he played in the bands E and DOMÁCÍ LÉKAŘ and he also released his first solo album JSEM HLÍNA, JSEM STROM, JSEM STROJ ( I am earth, I am a tree, I am a machine). Around this time he also founded a Moravia-Japanese-French group RALE that released three successful albums inspired by the cultures of several continents containing rustle of six languages. Besides his part in some other formations he made together with Iva Bittová an unforgettable double-album BÍLÉ INFERNO/WHITE INFERNO in 1997 (White Inferno – a Gold Record Award by the Indies Records publisher in 2004). Together with the guest musicians from this album and Iva Bittová he founded an almost jazz group ČIKORI. At the present you can hear Vladimír in his solo program or in duo with drum player Miloš Dvoraček and in two live formations – Ingwe and Czech-German KLAR.

Music awards:
Dunaj – in 1990´s the album Dunaj was awarded in the most prestige Czech music magazine Rock&Pop by both readers and critics as the best album of the decade.
Iva Bittová & Vladimír Václavek, Bílé inferno/White Inferno, was awarded the prize of the Independent association of music critics Periskop - Žlutá ponorka 1997 (Yellow Submarine, 1997).
Rale, the album Twilight/ Soumrak –awarded by Czech Music Academy – Anděl, 2001
Iva Bittová & Vladimír Václavek, Bílé inferno/White Inferno, was awarded with the Gold Album prize from the publisher Indies Records, 2004

Iva Bittová & Dunaj / Panton 1988
E – live / Globus Internacional 1990
Dunaj-Rosol / Pavian Records 1991
Arminius / Orkestra 1992
Dunaj-Dudlay / Bonton 1993
Dunaj-IV/Rachot / Behemot 1994
V.Václavek - Jsem hlína, jsem strom, jsem stroj / Indies 1994
E - I adore nothing / Rachot Behemot 1994
Rale / Wolf Records 1994
Dunaj-Pustit musíš / Rachot Behemot1995
Klar-Klar mottem / Rachot Behemot 1995
Dunaj-LA LA LAI / Rachot Behemot 1996
Domací lékař / Indies 1996
Iva Bittova & Vladimír Václavek-Bílé inferno / Indies 1997
Klar-live / Rachot Behemot 1997
Rale-Až zahřmí / Rachot Behemot 1998
Rale-Twilight Soumrak / Indies (cena Grammy) 2000
Klar / Between coma and consciousnes 2000
Čikori / Indies 2001
V. Václavek / Písně nepísně 2003
V.Václavek / Ingwe 2005

CD Producer:
Deep Sweden-Maiden Pratur / Rachot Behemot 1997

Film music:
Eternity starts here/ directed by Jörge Kalt (music by Vladimir Vaclavek)
Čarodějka / directed by Vaclav Křístek (music by Vladimir Vaclavek)
Kamenný most / directed by Tomáš Vorel

V.Václavek-Stín stromu/ Velarium 1994
Gato, V.Vaclavek-Obrazy cesty/ Dharma gaia 2000

Theatre music:
Kubilai Khan Investigation (France, dance project)
Staré ženy aneb tacet (Divadlo na provázku)

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