Cimbálová muzika Stanislava Gabriela

   The Stanislav Gabriel’s Cimbalom Band has gone through a long development in terms of both music and people since its beginning in 1992. The original fiddler band playing occasionally in wine cellars has been enlarged with new young musicians joining the group. “The fiddler past made us find a way of creating full-colour sound from all our instruments and voices and also think in details about the harmonic arrangement of traditional folk songs, their time and phrasing.” said the leader and founder of the band, Stanislav Gabriel.

   At the same time, we have also been very lucky as there have always been  experienced musicians who have given us a number of inspirational opinions and their criticism made us reconsider what, why and how to play the music. At that time we asked ourselves for the first time what was in the music that inspired us so much, what it brought to us and what we could pass on through the music.

   We thought about the heritage of former generations of folk musicians when searching for our own ways and methods. For the first time, we set ourselves goals and looked for the best ways of reaching them. We were very happy with any success and together we faced up to bigger or smaller crises both in the band and individually. Gradually we have begun to understand that harmony is not only a matter of music but our relationships too. However different the musical personalities we have, our strength as a group comes from the common (human) experience of the music we play and that we pass on as our message to those who want to listen.

   The Stanislav Gabriel’s Cimbalom Band from Babice (a small town in the south-east Moravia) is a group of young musicians from the area around the nearby district town Uherské Hradiště in south-east Moravia in The Czech Republic. We pay tribute to the heritage of traditional cimbalom bands from the ethnographic region of “Dolňácko” in South Moravia. We represent this regional culture not only on the national scene but also abroad, where more and more people are being attracted by this kind of music.

   The Stanislav Gabriel’s Cimbalom Band was awarded The Laureate of The International Music Festival Strážnice in 2006 (for more information about this prize see and the following year the national prize FOSKAR (The Folk music Oscar) for the best playing traditional folk music band of the year 2006 (see


Chodníčky k písni (Paths To A Song) © 2003

Hody na Slovácku ( The Feast in Slovácko) © 2003

Na mojem srdéčku (In My Heart), © 2004

Písně malované Slováckem… aneb na Derflanském poli (On The Field Of The Derfla Town – part of a songbook called Písně malované Slováckem), © 2006

Z Uher do Moravy (From Hungary to Moravia) © 2007

© Indies Records s.r.o.

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