Noisy Pots

Members of the band – Jakub Tengler and Michal Šupák have very diverse musical background. Inspiration comes from artists like Moderat, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Seekae, Com Truise or Stimming, and even jazz or classical influences can be noticed in Noisy Pots’ music.


The band toured festivals including Colours of Ostrava (CZ) and Donauinselfest (A) The Alternative Great Escape (UK), Trans Musicales de Rennes (FR) and performed in clubs in Czechia, Netherlands, Germany and UK. They also performed at TEDx Basel 2018 conference (CH). From time to time they travel to other european countries as buskers and enjoy the different - rather spontaneous vibe of their shows. These random gigs which often end up as wild street parties make their international fan base continuously growing.

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