The Complication

The band was founded by two brothers Radek (guitar) and Daniel (drums) Jenicek together with their long-time friend Michael Schnaubert (bass). Apart from the friendship, they also shared a common love for the 90’s band Red Hot Chili Peppers. Their first shows were mainly consisted of their songs. The band has been trying to find which way to go till 2012 by writing their first songs and playing shows around the region. At the end of this year new singer Jackob Sence joined the band and together they recorded band’s first single released in March 2013. Since then they focused on more live shows and recording their debut album U which was released in the summer of 2014. Not long time after this they started to work on their new single and their first proper music video ONE.SIXTY.SEVEN. This could be seen as a turning point in their quite short musical career. The song appeared in charts like Velká sedma Rádia 1, Startér Rádia Wave or Česká desítka rádia Rockzone. The video has been put on the rotation all over the Czech music TV stations. This allowed the band to play gigs all around the Czech Republic and also to win the national University Band Contest. At the end of 2015 they released their second music video for a single called SIGN and tirelessly kept on playing live. The last music video ACTS AND MISTAKES was released in July 2016 and similarly to those two previous videos it was put on the rotations of some Czech TV music stations. In Autumn they play their first tour with bands such as Rattle Bucket and The Fall of Ghostface and thanks to this the booking agency Applause booking took them under their wing. The biggest achievement of this year was definitely their participation in the Czech showcase festival Nouvelle Prague. By the end of 2016 the band finished the recording of their second album Aspiring Child which will be released under the label Indies Scope in March 29.

The Complication:

Jackob Sence - vocals

Schnaubee - bass, backing vocals

Radek Jeníček - guitar, backing vocals

Daniel Jeníček – drums, backing vocals

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