Tomáš Kočko

Twice awarded the Anděl Prize for the album of the year, their album Poplór got into the prestigious TOP 20 European World Music Charts, the album Do kamene tesané aneb Ondráš became a motivation for the Polish theatre play Ondraszek - pan Łysej Góry… With their music inspired by traditional Moravian music, they travel around Europe from Russia to Ireland, playing a variety of folklore, folk, rock and metal festivals. While their first album - Horní chlapci - is a folk tribute to Walachian poet Ladislav Nezdařil, the current CD - Cestou na jih - is ethno-rock, wandering across the folklore regions of Moravia from North to South. You can find the music of Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr somewhere in between these two albums. World music with Moravian roots.

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