Prosti Dumi

From the Czech basin there comes Prosti dumi who address you in this remarkable way through their music. We are inspired with many of music styles, but above all with Balkan folklore, ethno music and psychedelic rock from the 70ies. A great benefit represents Peter (accordion) who greatly accompanies the melodic voices, with which Gabra is magnificently in charge of and plays also tapan of self-hand-made according to a Macedonian model. Zdeny (sd drums, jambe) makes melodic rhytms with bassguitarist Tomas. Assage plays harmonica (mouth-organ?), pirinska tambura and electro-acoustic guitar, which are tuned to droon. He creates the music idea and writes opsk lyrics. They are simple, melodic, with sting, about problems of common country people who live in the surroundings of Sofia. It is a way how to express pain, homesick, joy, memories of Bulgarian or Balkan culture and the its environment, where he lived as a young boy.

© Indies Records s.r.o.

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