obal alba

Dokud vím, co mám


Indies Scope / 2024
Genres: hardcore
CD $ 14.84
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 6.66
LP $ 23.29
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 8.89
WAVlossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 11.13


The return of the emocore quartet from Cheb, CR, Esazlesa after seven years and two singles culminates in the album Dokud vím, co mám (i.e. Until I Know What I Have). The band has recorded an eight-song collection that is firmly based on the foundations of the screamo and post-rock genres. Esazlesa spares no emotion, screaming and guitars.


The band recorded a spare eight-track album in the Golden Hive studio and singer Lukáš Bouška aka Bouše confirms that this is the right scale: "Our listeners are more used to short formats from us. The last album, with 11 tracks, was long even for us:) So this is a nice compromise." The album opens with the instrumental track Dokud vím (i.e. Until I Know) and the whole album closes with the track Co mám (i.e. What I Have). "In the song Nihil I sing Dokud pít, co mám (i.e. Until I have something to drink). We've been playing the song live for a while now. Our drummer Honza once came up with this really cool and clever lyric about me singing “Dokud vím, co mám” (i.e. Until I know what I have). We laughed about it together and decided that's the name of the new record. That phrase also sums up the themes of the lyrics on the record. That's why it opens and closes the record."


Esazlesa started their journey fifteen years ago. Throughout their existence, the band has cherished the cornerstones of their work, which include quality lyrics, epic guitar riffs and uncompromising rhythms. "In our eyes, our expression remains unchanged. It's still us. Over the seven years we've turned a little grayer, expanded with a couple of offspring, gone through one line-up change, played sporadic gigs and worked on a new record," says Bouše. While some bands tend to produce one record after another, here the decision to make an album took a long time to mature. "The hardest part of the whole album was deciding together that the right time came to make a new record. Then everything went smoothly. Doing emo after 30 finally makes sense."



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