obal alba

Black Yoga

Ghost of You

Indies Scope / 2018
Genres: rock
CD $ 11.36
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
LP $ 18.96
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66
WAVlossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 8.89


The ambitious Ghost of You shove their joints and tear the convenience of repetition to pieces. On their new album, Black Yoga, Ghost of You present psychedelic art-rock sound infused with electronic sounds, dance rhythms and expressive vocals. Ghost of You don’t give up on their rock approach, which they set up in their debut, Glacier and the City. But this time, they work more with electronics. The album was produced by Ondřej Ježek who transformed the amazing material into an album, and which reflects the current world production.


Ghost of You is a quartet of talented young musicians from Brno, CR. After their successful debut, Glacier and the City (2015), they decided to move the second record significantly further. The drummer and leader of the band, Michal Janík, says: “This album is different in many ways but the energy remains the same. We used different instruments and experimented more. We now finished our concert set where we put the new album next to part of the first one. We found out that it worked great.”



What Black Yoga means: “Black Yoga is for us a sort of confrontation with our bad self. It is an exercise which is hard to get out of. You willingly destroy yourself and people around you. Everyone in its own way, everyone in a different way.”




The recording of Black Yoga is significantly affected by the producer, Ondřej Ježek, who had cooperated with the band on their debut. “The recording sessions had a totally different character. We didn’t bring finished songs but only individual motifs and ideas. The whole album, except  for two tracks, was created directly in the studio.” The result may surprise not only their fans but also the general public. Ghost of You managed to create a great second album. They were not afraid to move forward after their successful debut and change their overall sound. They still keep their characteristic features, where the epileptic drums are accompanied by expressive guitars which gently blend with the emotional vocal of Tomáš Novohradský.  


The whole recording was done without any guests. Michal Janík admits that they were thinking about some invitations. “We were thinking of inviting a female singer and record a duet, but it didn’t fit into the whole concept in the end. Our fans can expect such collaborations in the future for sure.” At this moment though, there’s no reason to be sad. Ghost of You are in an excellent form and definitely grew up with their new album, Black Yoga.


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obal alba


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