Nězachoď slunečko
Indies Happy Trails / 2013
I am a violinist and singer. Or perhaps a singer and violinist? Who would solve the order. My roots are strong, Moravian. So strong that I do
not want to leave them. While looking for a new way to express myself, I`m singing ancient lyrics and tunes and fiddle them on my violins,
says Jitka Suranska about herself.A member of Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic Orchestra of Zlin and a longtime member of dulcimer music of
Stanislav Gabriel moves from her childhood across genres. She grew up in Kudlovice near Uherske Hradiste surrounded by moravianslovak
folklore. She studied conservatory and then Institute for Art Studies in Ostrava. She was a member of Wallachian group Docuku for a short time
and collaborates with songwriter Lucie Redlova and Beata Bocek and she is a holder of genre price “Angel” for album “Pisnobrani” which she
recorded in 2005 with Jiri Plocek.
At this duo nicknamed “Hudecka Uderka” continue Jitka Suranska as a solo performer.In her own concerts with humility draws from Moravian song
tradition, but also masterfully uses modern technology. She sings, plays the violin and controlling the loopstation. With this “machine” which
should own every huddler in this century, will issue an attractive young woman as a whole band. Her
debut solo album, however, Jitka Suranska decided to record with the guests. In more than half of the songs she invited as a producer and
teammate Slovak violinist Stano Paluch who also plays on the album mandolin and guitar. In several songs she is accompanied by Pacora Trio (
which besides Stano Paluch forms a dulcimer player Marcel Comendant and a double bass player Robert Ragan ) Other guests are in different
songs Martin Bzirsky – violoncello, Marek Pastirik-saxophone, bagpipes, kaval, tarogato, duduk, Michal Muller-zither, of course Jiri
Plocek-mandolin and in one song also Petr Vavrik-bass and Marcel Gabriel-drums who took care of sound mode at studio in Zlin Jitka Suranska
on her album Nezachod Slunecko choose from folk songs that are dearest to her heart. Although her arrangements take turns with arrangements of
Pacora Trio,the resulting mix sounds compactly and totally natural. The unifying element of the album is Jitka`s pure voice which Jiri Plocek
compares to white dove.