obal alba

More, love!

Terne Čhave

Indies Scope / 2008
Genres: world music, gipsy
CD $ 11.36
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42


It´s only rom´n´roll … - this label was mostly used as a response to the last studio records of band Terne Čhave and their numerous live shows well known for endless energy.

Terne Čhave took their time with a new record and one can feel it! It was released after four year´s break, under production of Petr Vyšohlíd (ex I.R.A.) and with ambiguous title MORE, LOVE. Contradiction between Gipsy language and English meaning of the title captures the nature of record, perfectly. At the first listening, it is a new sound of the group, where one can found electric quitar and sampler besides traditional acordeon and violin. Another layers could be found in various genres of particular songs – rock, tango, spiritual, punk, traditional music and dance rythms will roll over you in absolutely natural way without finding their connection with Gypsy vocals weird. First of all, however, the title summarize message of the record, English meaning of the title stands in contast with the Gypsy one „look, the money“: „There are so many thing circulationg around money. Everybody needs them, but, because of money, lots of people forget what they really need – more love.“ Record MORE, LOVE brings up contast between old Gypsy songs and modern technology, old world and the new one.

„In patrtcular moment, the offer from Člověk v tísni organisation came for us to join their campaign against the insolvence of people and money-lenders and we liked the idea. We knew, this gonna be THE SONG about money and about things, they do with people. Our ex-singer Roman Horváth wrote the lyrics and the song, as well as the title of the record was born."

Record was released in April, 23 by Indies Scope Records alongside with new concert music video promoting song Aj jaj jaj. DFrom the beginning of April, Terne Čhave have been touring Czech Republic with new songs. Moreover, two live shows in London and touring of British music festivals and clubs, as well as live shows in Italy, Poland and Hungarian monster music festival Sziget are scheduled.

Record will be officially baptized on May, 7 in Akropole, Praque and Hungarian ROMANO DROM will be the grandfathers of record.
Romano Drom is one of the most recognized Hungarian Gipsy bands of the world. Their songs break girls´ hearts and turn guys on. Therefore, their live shows with Terne Čhave will surely be one of the highligts of this season. Don´t miss it!


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obal alba


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