obal alba



Indies Scope / 2008
Genres: acoustic, jazz, chanson
CD $ 10.69
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


„ … a bit of humour amongst ordinary things of everyday life.“

Those, who like chanson and humour of Komediograf series of HaDivadlo, Brno, Czech Republic, know band Minach very well. Its new record transgress the common pigeon-hole, into which Minach has been put by many people. However, playfulness, exaggeration and „snuggling“ melodies, belonging to the elements, that has always been praised in connection with the band, remains on the new record. The main difference in comparison with preceeding records lies in deflection from traditional chanson (sentimantal and romantic one) and from purely theatrical songs and in inclination to more modern sound, which sources in combination of acustic quitars and electrical instruments. Music was written mainly by Zdeněk Král: „Most of the songs was written by myself using the lyrics of our friends and soulmates in most of the cases. Mario Buzzi was a participating songwritter, too. Nevertheless, I feel the most crucial thing for the final version of the record was collective work in studio, thinking about arrangements and sound together. That painful searching ending up either in depression and fight or in joy and satisfaction from the work well done.“

Album Zimomriavky is flooded with slightly depressive athmosphere with a bit of humour. It was recorded in july of 2007 and february of 2008 in Jalovec Studio in Babice nad Svitavou. Petr Werner is the man apted to record acustic instruments and one can cleary hear it in the record. Its final sound correspondent splendidly with the chanson-jazz overall tone of the band. Minach was joint by Petr Mikšovič (cajon aka kachon), Johnny Jůdl (basoon) and Richard Hora (trumpet) for the recording and they completed band´s unique sound. Collaboration of all the contributors gave birth to a record, which, probably, does not throw you into ecstatic dancing mood forcing you to tear your clothes madly apart. On contrary, you will please easthetic and spiritual cells of yours, which will love you for listening to these songs.

Singer Mariana Chmelařová has come from Slovakia and although she started her career at the age of 19 as an actress in HaDivadlo, Brno, Czech Republic, singing is something very familiar to her. Beside the Slovak traditional music and their covers released with the band Czaldy-Waldy, she also recorded with 1. Českomoravská nezávislá hudební společnost (known as Čechomor, now) its very first album Dovečnosti and appeared as a guest artist in majority of songs from Jiři Bulis´ album Hosté na zemi. She participated with the vocal in recording of Ty Syčási´s record Lišák je lišák. First theatrical songs for Míňa was written for vaudeville Komediograf approximately 10 years ago and some of them are a part of the comedy till today. Under pressure of Míňa, Zdeněk Král in cooperation with Mario Buzzi wrote some more songs and duo entitled as Zdeněk Král a Minach started to play live shows separately from Komediograf. Lately on, duo was upgraded to trio by adding viola of Martina Himerová from Indigo Quartet (cooperated for example with Vladimír Václavek) and shifted from purely theatrical songs to chanson. In 2004, the fisrt record called Balada pro Bardotku was released. After a short time off, transformation into a „band“ with quitarist and composer Mario Buzzi (Chorchester) and contrabass player Jaroslav Panuš (Tallant, KK band … ) came into being along with shortening of band´s name to Minach. After half a year, Mario Buzzi was replaced by Ivan Manolov (for example Burma Jones), who plays an electric quitar. Afterwards, the band started tending to the more progressive sound and unspecified music genre with working title Chocolate Hot Blues, which was created by the band itself.


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