
The ensemble was originally founded as a dulcimer band at art school in Břeclav in 1954; its founder was the legendary bandmaster Josef (Jožka) Kobzík (1929–2000), physician-epidemiologist, initially a bandmaster of the band later an art director of folk ensemble who was leader of the both ensembles for forty years (1954–1994); he initiated the revival of string band in Podluží region where brass music was prevalent and with the help of historical records he helped to reconstruct the folk dance vrtěná. Many of the musical arrangements for DB Břeclavan were drawn from his own and his father’s (Josef Kobzík st., 1893–1971) song collections. He also started the dulcimer bands parade Hudecké dny of Slávek Volavý in Břeclav. The band cooperated with most significant singers of Podluží region – including Marie Malčicová, Květa Černá, Jožka Černý, Jaroslav Kovářík, Jožka Severin, František Studenka, Jan Beran (also a bandmaster), Jan Zaviačič and others. Today’s dulcimer band of eight Břeclavan is led by František Blažek, the main singers are Jiljí Herzán, Jiří Mach and Martin Kobzík. From almost twenty albums these stand out: LP Hoš, Podluží! (Supraphon, 1983), Hodinka na Podluží (Edit, 1994), Pjsně a ballady (Reston, 1999) and the eponymous Břeclavan (Tonstudio, 2004).
-Helena Bretfeldová-

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