Budoár staré dámy

Disturbing songs you can trust!

The intuitive, sometimes fragile, sometimes brutal vocal performance of Marta Kovářová salted by the guitar of Marek Laudát and sliced by the playful rhythm of the drummer Laďa Šiška and the bassist Tomáš Ergens. Concerts are full of joy from playing, the urgency of song messages alternates with relaxing humor in between the songs; when you never know what you will learn!



Marta Kovářová (dříve Svobodová) ― lead voice, guitars
Tomáš Ergens ― bass, voice
Marek Laudát ― guitar, voice
Ladislav Šiška ― drums, percussions, voice

© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno