
The group Triny was formed in 1999. It performs and prepares original Gypsy melodies.

Iveta Kováčová studied at the Prague Conservatory. She performed as a guest with the group Bacily and Naima. She's performed in the musical "Hair" and "The Rat Catcher". She's currently a presenter on Czech Television.

Jana Procházková (Tyšerová) graduated from a musicals school. She's a regular guest with Czech and foreign groups. She performed in the musical "The Rat Catcher", "Beauty and the Beast" and in "Hamlet".

Dagmar Podkonická graduated from the Prague conservatory. For many years, she was a member of the country group Sally Rose Band. She's performed in musicals such as "Dracula", "Fahrenheit 451" and "The Rat Catcher".

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