Michael´s Uncle

The band was founded in 1987 with Amrit Sen – vocals, Petr Stanko – guitar, vocals, Jarda Stuchlý – percussion and Ivan Klein – bass, Karel Jančák – guitar. In this composition they recorded their first live concert released in the 90ties. After the guitarist Jančák and bass guitarist Klein had left, Petr Hošek (bass) and Johny Jukl (guitar) joined the band. With these new members the first “studio recording” was created, later released as “Svině” (Swines). The recording was done live, mixed on mixing desk and recorded on magnetic tape recorder.  
After the revolution, in 1990, the band finally releases their first studio album called “The End of Dark Psychedelia“. David Koller helped with recording and Ivan Klein was playing the bass again. The band plays in quartet without Johny Jukl. In that time, the band is very busy, they play concerts in Czech Republic as well as abroad and tours the entire Western Europe. Unfortunately, drug problems emerge and the band falls apart. Sometimes around 1992 they come together again, this time only as a trio. Petr Stanko and Jarda Stuchlý take over the vocals. After one year of playing the got an offer to record an album for Indies from Brno and in the fall of 1993 the start recording their so far the best album “Ale my stále hledáme štěstí, ale nikdo z nás ještě není mrtev“ (We are still looking for happiness, but none of us is dead yet). The English Alex Limburg is the sound engineer here. After the songs from this album had topped the independent hit charts and the band played the last concerts, they fell apart again and the band didn’t exist for another ten years.  
They get back together in 2004, first as a trio, but later they are joined by the singer Amrit Sen and in this group they record another CD, a record of a show honoring their 20th anniversary in Futurum club in Prague. After that, the band continues to play and prepares material for new album. This album was recorded at the beginning of 2010.

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