Zloději Uší

Ladies and gentleman!
I'm delighted to be able to present the Ear Thieves group.
Its with great pride that we steal from chatterboxes and give to deaf.
This we do with majestic help from... ELECTRICITY!!!
(part of a song The Deceased)
Tomáš Havlíček: bass, vocal
Pavel Magnusek: drums, vocal, mouth organ
David Šubík: trombone, electronics, vocal

The Ear Thieves is a trio of singing multi-instrumentalists Pavel Magnusek, Tomas Havlicek and David Subik. The rhythmical part of the trio - Havlicek & Magnusek - plays together about 20 years and you can feel it! When these guys met at the late 90`s with Subik, it had been natural to get all three together and the Ear Thieves were born.
Since than on they were steeling ears on many festivals and in many clubs all over the Europe from Barcelona to St. Petersburg.
They just finished they third CD "3: The Next E.T.`s" which they are coming to present on stages of clubs and festivals. It is a mosaic of very different styles, approaches to music, lyrics and performing presentations. Each of the three musicians represents specific music world which in the same time dominates and supports the worlds of the two others. Dozen of diverse songs are bringing an astonishing experience to the listeners: an overflow of raging energy from very first till the very last second of the concert which let them discover the latent stories and meanings behind it.
So as a wolf in a sheep`s clothing the Ear Thieves are bringing on stage an hour program of pleasingly listening songs with a complex and sometimes very dark convey.


© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno