Nuck Chorris Gang


Actor, singer, rapper, philosopher, surgeon, wrestler, the world champion in the technique of ripped eagle-talons, author, teacher, the master of  fighter fast-foods JO-PA-WO (in english "I AM HUNGRY"), historiographer, poet, director, script-writer, the owner of music label Diamond Records, publisher house Gold Books, born in China. Nuck Chorris is the embodiment of perfection, inspiration and humility for milions of people all around the world. He is the man, who´s touch can heal cancer, the man full of sensitivity and love to any living or dead being on this planet. Do never underestimate your enemy, cause karate fighters can rap too!

The biggest power of Nuck Chorris (as it is usual by japanese karate - fighters from JO-CHO-CHI school) is of course on stage. Nuck Chorris delivers on gigs lots of energy and fun, because that is the fundamental condition for smile and satisfaction of the fans.

Nuck Chorris Gang

karate music, great czech blues-rap band

Václav Jun - rap
Zdeněk Swaczyna - rap
Jan Švihálek - guitar
Mojmír "Bob" Sabolovič - bass
Lukáš Kytnar - drums

© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno