obal alba

Lovu zdar

Nuck Chorris Gang

Indies Scope / 2011
Genres: blues, rap, rock
CD € 10.28
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03


Fans of torn off hawk talons, be ready!
Real slog, warm-up and a hard work begin. The second studio album by masters with talons, the band Nuck Chorris Gang is here and it’s called LOVU ZDAR (GOOD HUNT)! The Gang informs us that today there is a good “fresh human meat” for sale, shot at dawn. The songs which you will find on the album are exactly what you expect from Nuck Chorris: hard blues reefs and rhythmic choruses mix with romantic melodies of the newest trends. There is also something for brass music, Latin music and aqua zumba fans.
Nuck Chorris Gang still looks the same since the very beginning (Lukáš Kytnar (drums), Mojmír "Bob" Sabolovič (bass), Jan Švihálek (guitar, vocals), Zdeněk Swaczyna (rap), Václav Jun (rap)). As everybody knows, leaving the gang is always a very painful matter.  After three years the Gang is releasing their second studio album LOVU ZDAR (GOOD HUNT) with the support of Indies Scope. Most of the songs are well known to the fans of torn off talons from concerts, Nuck Chorris has been playing them for a long time now, but now they have finally burnt their energetic smashes into a silver circle so the fans of this multinational hero would be able to train his style at home as well as at work or while travelling.  
Regarding the lyrics, the album LOVU ZDAR seems to be much better than its predecessor (100% Karate, 2008 Indies Scope), Nuck Chorris have found their style and most of the time they keep to lighter motives which are full of pranks, irony, sarcasm and lightness; there are also smashes about life or just purely self-destructive songs.
Unfortunately, the famous celebrities such as Káďa Lřížek, Rara Dolinc and Htanda Složek can’t be found on the album this time, nevertheless, each guest had added little something and the hits of hawks are a bit more colorful. Jakub Štěpánik from Hoochie Choochie Band, Rudolf Brančovský from Poletíme?, also the legendary warrior Jaromír Hnilička blew his instrument for a short time, also came Marian Jaslovský, a genuine musician who has created many quality projects; he tried many different instruments on the album and also became a producer for a while. Together with his colleague Roland Kánik from SonicCat Studio they ran all the songs through analog to make the sound extremely powerful and they sent the final mixes to Broňek Šmid to Indies Studio for mastering.
The circle is closed now and LOVU ZDAR album can be released. The CD contains 10 songs and one skit. It is hidden in sixteen-page paper digipack and includes illustrations by the painter Tomáše Oprchala who originally boosted this practical washable cover. We believe that the album will find its fans all over the world and the words of the martial art master Nuck Chorris will constantly resonate in all the corners of our planet.  


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