obal alba

Kosecké písně

Horňácká cimbálová muzika Kubíci and CM Rubáš and CM Soláň

Indies Scope / 2019
Genres: folklor
CD € 10.28
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03


The Reaper’s Songs (Kosecké písně). Every year, hundreds of volunteers across our country are involved in manual grass mowing. In their free time, they help to preserve the rare flora of the local meadows. Folk songs, preserved in several songbooks, are also returning with the mowing of the meadows.

After finishing several years of work on the Anthology of Moravian Folk Music, which symbolically ended with the last, eighth record with a funeral theme called Reaper, Dear Reaper (Smrti, milá smrti), the Indies Scope publisher decided to continue with a new series of folklore recordings. It is now releasing the first two of the planned four albums from the Painted Chest (Malovaná truhla).

The first move of the scythe takes place early in the morning as the grass is still dewy. This is followed by raking, turning, drying and picking up the fragrant hay. With the renewing of the tradition of mowing the meadows, folk songs with reaping themes, which have been preserved in various songbooks, are also returning. The album, Kosecké písně, offers a collection of compositions from three regions. The Horňácko region  is represented by the Horňácká dulcimer band Kubíci, the Women's Choir from Hrubá Vrbka, the Horňácko Men's Choir Chotár, the Men’s Choir from Hrubá Vrbka and the Men’s Choir Malané from Malá Vrbka. Dolňácko region is presented by the Dulcimer band Rubáš and the Women’s choir of the folklore ensemble, Buchlovice. From the Wallachian region, you will hear songs performed by the Dulcimer band Soláň and the Wallachian singing group, Surovo drevo. The well-known song Kosí Jano (Jano is mowing) will be heard several times, always in different regional arrangements.



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obal alba

Musica Folklorica

Spal bych, spal bych, žena mi nedá
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CD € 10.88
MP3 € 4.00
FLAC+mp3 € 6.03
obal alba

Musica Folklorica

Ej, ženy, ženy, poradteže mi
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CD € 10.07
MP3 € 4.00
FLAC+mp3 € 6.03


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