obal alba


Lucie Redlová

Indies Scope / 2018
Genres: folkrock
CD € 3.60
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 1.17
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 1.98
WAVlossless format, MP3 version added for free € 2.79


New songs gathered on the Otázky EP (Questions) are an attempt of a songwriter to resolutely deal with her middle-age crisis.

Together with her band - Ivan Trpík on bass guitar, Milan Kratochvíl on drums and a guest pianist Pavel Sotoniak - the artist recorded three songs dealing with subjects such as relationship with partners and family, uncertainty and forgiveness.

Before you hit 40, these kind of questions will arise whether you like it or not. Unless one deals with certain internal struggles, progress isn't possible. You can't change what happened, you can't change your childhood, but it is important to come to terms with your past. To forgive others and forgive yourself. And so I am learning how to do that; mastering the art “step by step”(po troškách), as the lyrics of the song“Vzpomínej zlehka” (Remember Gently) suggests.  We set the release date for February 22nd, to celebrate a Day of Sisterhood. The album is dedicated to my four siblings and my whole family.” says Lucie.

The Otázky EP consists of 3 songs: “Otázky” (Questions), “Až uzamkneme nebe” (When We Lock Up The Sky) and “Vzpomínej zlehka” (Remember Gently). Lyrics were written by Ivo Cicvárek, Švanci and Radek Rubilina. The album was produced and mastered by Tomáš Neuwerth in Animan Studio in Prague, who also recorded other instruments and backing vocals.

It was Ivos’ text to the song Otázky that sparked the concept of the album. It resonates with me a lot to that extent that when we were playing it live, I would melt down at the end. I think that the question I am asking myself in this song will resonate with a lot of people too, not only those whose parents got divorced when they were little. The question is ‘Where is the love that gave birth to me?’” adds Redlová.

Lucie Redlová was one of the founders of Docuku - the famous folk band from Valašské Meziříči. She collaborated with  Žamboši, Traband, Květy and Beata Bocek. Together with Beata Bocek and Jitka Šuranska, she formed a project called MDŽ  - Muzikantky, dámy, ženy (a shortcut for Musicians, Ladies, Womenkind).

Otázky was released by Indies Scope on February 22nd 2018. Release parties will take place on March 21st in Café V Lese in Prague, March 22nd in Stará Pekárna in Brno and March 23rd in Tucan Café in Valašské Meziříčí.



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obal alba


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