obal alba

Entwine / Proplétám

Iva Bittová

Pavian Records / 2014
Genres: alternative, acoustic, classical
CD € 12.70
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 6.03
LP € 20.18
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 8.05


One of the world most famous Czech artists, the singer, violinist and composer Iva Bittová has recorded a new album called Entwine/Proplétám. It was recorded in an acoustically exceptional and spiritually inspiring space of the pilgrimage church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Zelená Hora. Five of the songs which were improvised on the spot was created under the influence of the genius loci of this building built in the years 1719-1722 by a genial architect Jan Blazej Santini and reflects the symbolism of the pentagram of the church ground plan. Another seven compositions have been originating at solo concerts of this unique artist for several years and they absorbed the experience and atmosphere of many different world destinations. "Entwine is a sort of reflection, or a mirror of my life if you will. Entwining life experience, moods, tonalities and tones we have managed to entwine musical and lyrical mosaic of this album which I will, with honor and great respect, dedicate to my long-time close friend, Václav Havel," says Iva Bittová about her new recording; she is the exclusive interpreter and author of the music.  She found inspirational lyrics for example in the collection Uspávanky by the Moravian poet Jan Skácel, or in Gertruda Stein or Růžena Danielová, a Romany woman who as the only member of her family had survived the holocaust. Her lyrics, written in Osvětim, were later modified for violin and vocals by Iva Bittová on the request of the BBC. Other author’s British friends have provided their voices – the musician Chris Cutler and the journalist and musicologist Ken Hunt. Iva Bittová is releasing an author solo album after long twenty years.


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