obal alba

Rybí tuk

Už Jsme Doma

Indies MG / 2003
Genres: alternative, rock
CD € 10.07
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 5.22
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.84


After four years of expectations a new album of legendary alternative band Už jsme doma finally comes out. It is called Fish oil and contains 11 songs. It was recorded in SONO studio and mixed and mastered in Oakland, California under the supervision of the producer Dan Rathbun.
The cover was already traditionally drawn by Martin Velíšek, the author of all songs and lyrics is Miroslav Wanek. 11 people are hosting on the record - except for the 5-member chorus also violin - Martin Zbrožek, tube - Jan Jaroš, bassoon - Pavel Langpaul, French horn - Jan Mach, clarinet, bass clarinet and alt sax - Miroslav Bárta and trumpet - Ladislav Kozderka. The songs will be in this cast presented on the launching ceremony November 11 2003 in the theatre Archa. The guest UJD on the ceremony will also be the American band Degenerate Art Ensemble.

According to the author’s words the main theme of the record is fish oil as a symbol of something disgusting that has to reputedly help, something some authority pushes us to go beyond, whether thank to the tradition or confidence in obtained information. In some time another opinion can come out and all that dressage appears as useless, but it is not coming back. It is about faith, whether the religious one or the faith in the information truth, very often necessary because not too many things can be somehow verified and when someone tries to do so, mostly it lasts so long that after the truth is found and uncovered, no one is interested anymore because it is gone and new things are on the stage.

The impossibility or unwillingness to verify the truthfulness of information results into thousands of little and also big misunderstandings and tragedies, into a lot of violence and injustice, feeling of hopelessness and desperation, the same feeling a little child has when he is forced to swallow fish oil. But there are some people who are fish oil volunteer eaters, hoping that they get rewarded for this volunteer suffering and something will change. It is a kind of faith again and, nothing can be guaranteed, but only when there is hope, it is similar to the fairytales, it does not necessarily have to be the truth, but it strokes, in this meaning Fish oil connects to the Fairy-tales from Zapotřebí.


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obal alba


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