obal alba

100% Karate

Nuck Chorris Gang

Indies Scope / 2008
Genres: blues, rap, rock
CD € 10.88
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03


I´m going to buy a Kimono. And what about you?

Nuck Chorris Gang plays 100% karate music and is a marvelous „mystificational“ bluesrap band. Guys with original sense of humour combine rap, hip hop and blues, entertain audience with uniqueness and crop deserved positive responses. Their style Karate Music could be understood in the words of Vice-master of Torn off Rowan´s Talon and speaker of the band Václav as „Rush of energy trying to swallow you up. Sweating crowd jumping one metre high. Sweating band jumping one metre high. Tons of funny quotes and humour."

Nuck Chorris: Actor, singer, philosopher, neurosurgeon, wrestler, World Champion of Torn off Rowan´s Talon Technique, writer, critic, politologist, tutor, Master of Martial Arts Fastfoods Jo - Pa - Wo (I´m hungry in English translation), historian, poet, director, cinematographer and screenplay writer – native of China, Nuck Chorris is an embodiment of perfection, inspiration and humility for millions of people around the Globe. He is a person, whose touch can heal cancer, man sensitive to every living or already dead creature on this planet. Never underestimate the enemy, since even a karatist can rap.

Record 100% karate sounds fresh and stricking, but, at the same time, it is not affraid of humour and irony. Rap and inteligent lyrics are boosted up by blues guitar and bass guitar, which won´t let you rest a while. Drums add suggestive surface to the overall stricking impression of the band. Last but not the least, there are contributions of special guests „trombonist Mojmír Bártek, member of Gustav Brom Orchestra, and his wind instruments trio, mouth organ player Erich „Boboš“ Procházka, vocalist Sylvia Josifoská, DJ Opia ... and many more“. Disc was recorded at Broněk Šmíd´s Studio Indies, Brno and final lightness and style was added by mix and mastering of Escon Waldes.

„Beginners don´t probably know what to think about us. They hasitate saying „Is he serious? What the hell is he talking about?“. Those experienced in karate knows the grips attacking them and transform them into a smile. Listeners have to deserve the stories of Nuck Chorris life and the only way how to deserve them is a cooperation. Have a good time with us, jump with us, sing with us, that´s the only way to discover a piece of Nuck Chorris in yourself. We don´t force the audience to play our game, everyone has a right of choice whether he or she accept the Technique of Torn off Rowan´s Talon as his or her own or not …“

Though Nuck Chorris Gang is quite a new band, every of the musicians has a lot of experience in music industry, which he uses for the purposes of the band. This was the main condition for creating such a complete record. Beside this energical project, musicians are part of the bands touring Czech music clubs and festivals for ten years. Honza Švihálek a Lukáš Kytnar in blues band Hoochie Coochie Band, Mojmír Sabolovič in ortodox bluescore band Kulturní úderka. All is completed by the Minuta Ticha duo behind the microphones, which was allways trying to experiment with hip-hop and never sticked to its orhtodox rules. Joint of these masters of grips and grapples is something which shoudn´t allow you to take a rest but rather prepare you for a hard strike.


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