obal alba

Antologie CD 5 - Čas adventu a Vánoc

Antologie moravské lidové hudby

Indies Scope / 2012
Genres: christmas
CD € 9.06
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03


Advent and Christmas holidays are the main motif of the fifth part of Moravian folk music anthology. Four previous parts of this anthology are dedicated to different regions and provide a representative selection of bands and singers who have significantly contributed to the preservation of authentic forms of musical traditions of its region. The fifth part focuses thematically on Christmas holidays and the songs are selected across regions.
The album is divided into four sections according to selected songs:
1. Panenka Maria po světě chodila/Virgin Mary went around the world (Czech-Moravian Marian cult in the songs of Advent and Christmas)
2. Chvála na nebi Bohu, pokoj nám na zemi/Praise God in heaven, peace for us on Earth (Advent songs and carols announcing the birth of Christ – the coming of the Savior)
3. Přiběžali ze salaša pastýřé/Shepherds came rushing from shepherd’s hut (fragments of pastorals and songs with pastoral themes)
4. Koleda nám nastala/Carol came to us (the songs of carolers throughout Moravia).
CD version graphically fits into the whole project of the Anthology of Moravian folk music; in the 36-page booklet in Czech and English, you will find an outline of the musical history of the songs, musical groups, singers and musical personalities contained on the album. In the completely filled CD (79:52), listeners can find a selection of the best Christmas music from Moravia.

The first four parts are accompanied by a legend in the 28-page booklet in Czech and English version with an outline of musical history of a specific region, its most important bands, musical and singers personalities who you can listen to on the CD. All together, they form nearly 400 minutes of listening of contemporary folk recordings; you can listen to a sample from each song.
The spectacular series Anthology of Moravian folk music of the early 21st century is an attempt to reflect the current form of folk music-making in large and small Moravian folklore regions.


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obal alba

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